Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mouse Hunt Part 1/9

Mouse Hunt Part 1/9 Tube. Duration : 10.85 Mins.

When their father dies, Ernie & Lars inherit an old house and the family string factory. Lars, the loyal son, refuses to sell out the factory, which angers his wife so she kicks him out. Ernie, who runs a five-star restaurant, is suddenly fired when a man dies while eating there. With no other place to go, the brothers shack up at the old house, suddenly realizing the place is worth a fortune! The boys decide to fix up the place and sell it in an auction, but first, they have to get rid of a mouse living in the walls. Sounds easy enough, right? Think again...

Keywords: Mouse, Hunt, Nathan, Lane, Lee, Evans, Vicki, Lewis, Maury, Chaykin, Eric, Christmas, Michael, Jeter, Debra, Christofferson, Camilla, Søeberg, Annabelle, Gurwitch, Poppick, Ernie, Sabella, William, Hickey, Christopher, Walken, Cliff, Emmich

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