Monday, July 18, 2011

Michio Kaku: Massive solar flare in the years 2012/2013 could throw us back 100 years

Michio Kaku: Massive solar flare in the years 2012/2013 could throw us back 100 years Tube. Duration : 4.97 Mins.

"Physics of the Impossible" author Michio Kaku on the consequences of a massive solar storm to our global infrastructure and economy.

Keywords: astronomy, economics, barack obama, usa, michio kaku, economy, collapse, solar flares, disaster, sarah palin, peter schiff, alex jones, lindsey lohan, justin beiber, justin bieber, dallas cowboys, miami heat, lebron james, harvard, cnn, cnbc, fox news, republican, democrat, politics, gerald celente, bob chapman, california, eminem, hollywood, michael savage, michael jordan

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