Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Topher Grace´s First Stoned Experience High on a THC Breath Strip...

Topher Grace´s First Stoned Experience High on a THC Breath Strip... Tube. Duration : 4.30 Mins.

The first time former That '70s Show star Topher Grace used marijuana was in the form of a THC-infused breath strip at a Hollywood party in 1998 also attended by cast mates Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis. Topher GraceOn Lopez Tonight, Grace recalled that a woman at the party offered him the breath strip and warned him to eat just half. Of course, Grace sucked down the the whole strip. After a while, he asked a friend, "Is there lava coming out of he back of my head? I can touch colors. Should I get naked? "Everything that I was ever trying not to do, which is [being] too much of a cliche of someone stoned on That '70s Show, I did that night. "It wasn't too bad," Grace added. "It was like having a lot of brownies." And vote YES for Proposition 19 to legalize marijuana completely in the state of California on November 2 2010... http

Tags: Marijuana, Cannabis, Hemp, Weed, Stoned, High, Stoner, 420, Legalize, medical, legal, Marc, Emery, seeds, bong, pipe, hookah, smoke, vaporizer, refer, madness, truth, Fun, God, Jesus, Christ, prince, of, canada, cure, cancer, oil, run, from, escape, LEAP, Norml

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